Obsessive compulsive disorder - OCD treatment and therapy from NOCD

Sexuality and Gender OCD

Sexual orientation OCD (SO-OCD) is a subtype of OCD that is characterized by intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviors around a person’s sexual orientation. It has been referred to as homosexual OCD (H-OCD); however, this term is increasingly discouraged due to its lack of sensitivity. People with SO-OCD experience intrusive thoughts and urges around denial of or confusion about their true sexual orientation. Someone with SO-OCD may experience fears around being perceived as having a certain sexual orientation, such as gay or straight. They might wonder if they have a sexual orientation other than the one they thought. They may fear they are in denial of their “true” sexual orientation. Or, they might fear that their sexual orientation could abruptly change (e.g., “turn” gay or straight) and what this change will mean for their life. (Will they have to leave their family? Will their relationship end when they discover they are not who they think they are?)

If you're struggling with Sexuality and Gender OCD, we're here to help. Talk with our team to learn more.

Common OCD Fears

How Can I Stop My Sexual Intrusive Thoughts?

Sexual OCD is a subtype of obsessive-compulsive disorder that can cause disturbing, intrusive, uncharacteristic thoughts and actions. Here’s how to find help.
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How to deal with sexual dreams about a friend. Advice from a therapist

Learn more about dreams, why you may be so concerned over yours, and how you can get help.
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Do intrusive thoughts during climax mean anything?

Learn what causes intrusive thoughts—particularly during intimate experiences—and how to get help if they impact your life.
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Is it wrong to be turned on by violence? A therapist’s take

Let’s dive into the difference between fantasy and true desire and the reason why you might be so worried about being turned on by violence.
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Dreams about sexual assault: Do they mean anything?

Sexual assault is among the most immoral behaviors one can think of—but be wary of interpreting disturbing dreams as significant.
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Is it normal to question my sexuality for years? A therapist weighs in

I know how frustrating it can be to have persistent uncertainty, doubt, and confusion about your sexuality. Here's what you should know, from an expert.
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I’m turned on by furry porn. Does that mean I’m attracted to animals?

Fantasies are safe ways to explore your sexuality, but OCD has a way of twisting your thoughts in ways that are untrue and harmful.
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Intrusive thoughts about rape—do they actually mean anything?

These disturbing thoughts can become completely overwhelming. You're not alone, and you don't have to live in fear of your own thoughts.
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Fears about incest – What do they mean?

Incest OCD involves intrusive and unwanted sexual thoughts, images, or urges about family members that cause distress or anxiety, as well as compulsions to manage or eliminate this anxiety.
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I watched incest porn. Is there something wrong with me? What therapists say

Sexual fantasies do not necessarily indicate something you want to happen in real life—but some may be especially distressing. Here's what you can do.
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“I’m scared I have an unwanted kink or fetish. What can I do?” Here’s what experts say

Feeling anxious about an unwanted kink or fetish? Discover effective steps and expert guidance to address your concerns and find peace of mind.
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If I like lolicon, does it mean I’m a pedophile? A therapist’s view

It's crucial to emphasize that fantasy remains distinct from action, or even from other kinds of desire.
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Why do I have sexist intrusive thoughts? A therapist explains

Intrusive thoughts are, by nature, out of alignment with one’s values—but nevertheless, they can feel extremely worrying and shameful.
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I’m afraid I’m attracted to a family member. What can I do?

As a therapist, I’ve worked with many people who have this fear, and I’ve helped them uncover the reason behind it.
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Worried about getting unwanted erections? You’re not alone

Unwanted erections are unavoidable. But for some, fear and worry about these normal occurrences can become extremely distressing.
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I’m always worried that my condom will break. What can I do?

Fear of an unplanned pregnancy, or spreading or contracting an STI, can become all-consuming and negatively impact people's lives in several ways.
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What does it mean if you’re having same-sex dreams? A therapist’s advice

If you’re finding dreams and doubts distressing, you should know that a same-sex dream is very unlikely to be an true indicator of your sexuality.
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What is my sexuality? A therapist’s advice on trying to figure it out

I’ve worked with plenty of patients who feel deep distress over doubts about their sexuality. Learn some of the reasons why, and what you can do about it.
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Can I trust myself around children? A therapist’s advice

We'll explain why intrusive thoughts and obsessions about sexually harming children do not reflect OCD sufferers' true desires or values.
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How can I deal with unwanted sexual dreams? Advice from a therapist

Let’s explore the real nature of sexual dreams, and discuss how you can find relief in your waking and sleeping hours alike.
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Can watching porn be a compulsion in SO-OCD?

Discover why watching porn might be compulsive, how you can learn if your own behaviors are SO-OCD compulsions, and what you can do.
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Masturbating makes me feel guilty or afraid. What can I do?

As a therapist who treats OCD, I’ve learned that for some people, fears about masturbation can become overwhelming.
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Fear of Sex: Is it OCD, Erotophobia, Genophobia, or something else?

Is your fear of sex related to OCD, Erotophobia, or Genophobia? Learn the difference and how exposure therapy can help overcome it.
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Fears about Bestiality

Repeated thoughts or fears about sexual attraction or actions involving animals may be a sign of bestiality-themed OCD.
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Fear of being a bad person

OCD focused on fear of being a bad person involves recurrent, persistent, unwanted and intrusive thoughts or images about being a bad person.
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Fears about magical impregnation

Magical impregnation fears in OCD involve concerns about getting pregnant or getting someone else pregnant despite lack of sexual intercourse.
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Fears about polygamy

If you’re experiencing recurrent intrusive fears about intentionally or unintentionally engaging in acts of polygamy, it may be OCD.
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What if I’m really a child predator?

If you’re experiencing recurrent intrusive thoughts involving a worry or fear that you could be a child predator, it may be a sign of OCD.
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I can’t stop thinking about molesting a child family member

If you're experiencing thoughts about molesting a child family member, it may be a sign that you have OCD.
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I have images of sexually assaulting my child and others

If you’re having intrusive thoughts or images of child sexual assault, it may be a sign that you have POCD, a subtype of OCD.
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Fears about being transgender

Trans OCD, fear of being transgender, causes people to fixate and obsess on any thoughts or feelings that cause doubt about gender identity.
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Fear of becoming a pedophile

If you have obsessive fear of becoming a pedophile or rapist, it may be a sign that you have Pedophilia OCD or POCD.
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Fear of Sexual Perversion

Fear of sexual perversion, common in OCD, is recurrent unwanted thoughts/images pertaining to sexual behaviors outside of societal norms.
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Fears about homosexuality

Homosexual OCD includes having obsessions surrounding the uncertainty of attraction or potential attraction to people of the same gender.
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Fears about being straight

It can be Straight OCD if you don't identify as heterosexual, but experience intrusive thoughts about attraction towards the opposite gender.
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