Obsessive compulsive disorder - OCD treatment and therapy from NOCD

Harm/Violent OCD

Harm OCD is a common subtype of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) that causes intrusive unwanted thoughts, images or urges to harm oneself or others. Thoughts of harm should always be taken seriously, which can make symptoms of harm OCD especially frightening. People with harm OCD are not more likely to harm themselves or others than people with other OCD subtypes. However, they may view their intrusive and unwanted thoughts as an indication of a desire to act. This fuels their anxiety and drives them to engage in various compulsions aimed at eliminating this fear (e.g., removing all sharp objects from their kitchen). Read full article

If you're struggling with Harm/Violent OCD, we're here to help. Talk with our team to learn more.

Common OCD Fears

Intrusive thoughts on planes? You’re not alone

When is a fear of flying just a normal thought, and when could it be something more?
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Do you have intrusive thoughts while driving? You’re not alone 

Everyone has some amount of (often healthy) fear about being behind the wheel. But if your thoughts are impossible to shake, it could be OCD.
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Intrusive thoughts around bridges? You’re not alone

If crossing bridges causes you severe distress, you’re not alone. Here’s what to know about this phobia.
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What does it mean if I have racist intrusive thoughts? 

These thoughts may make you worry that you’re a bad person. Here’s what really may be going on.
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I’m having dreams about car accidents. Do they mean anything?

As a therapist, I've worked with many people who search for meaning in their dreams, including those about car accidents.
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Dreams about sexual assault: Do they mean anything?

Sexual assault is among the most immoral behaviors one can think of—but be wary of interpreting disturbing dreams as significant.
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Intrusive Thoughts When You’re Around Police? You’re Not Alone.

You may worry that intrusive thoughts like these mean that you could act on them—but experts say that's not the case.
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Intrusive thoughts about murder – do they mean anything?

During my most intense episodes of intrusive thoughts, I figured I must be a horrible, disgusting person. Here's how I eventually got better.
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Intrusive thoughts about rape—do they actually mean anything?

These disturbing thoughts can become completely overwhelming. You're not alone, and you don't have to live in fear of your own thoughts.
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Fears about saying the wrong thing – How can I get better?

Repetitive fear about saying the wrong thing may be a sign of OCD, in which a person obsessively worries about saying something inappropriate.
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Why Am I Scared of Being Home Alone? A Therapist’s Advice

It’s normal to want to feel safe when we’re at home. For you, however, the idea of being home alone stirs up an intense fear. Here's what you can do.
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Fear of being a bad person

Discover how OCD can cause fears of being a bad person, and how to identify symptoms and triggers. Learn more about effective treatment options.
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Why am I always thinking about death? What therapists say

Drawing from my experience both as an OCD specialist and someone who's struggled with these very same thoughts, here's what you should know.
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Why am I always worried about my pet? Advice from a therapist 

Learn about how you can identify and find help for “pet anxiety,” persistent stress or fear about the wellbeing of your furry friend.
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Intrusive thoughts when you’re around trains? You’re not alone

This is a common experience—but that doesn't mean that it's not distressing. Learn when it may be a mental health concern, and how you can get help.
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Intrusive thoughts when you’re around knives? You’re not alone

This experience is extremely common, but it may sometimes signify a serious mental health condition that can disrupt your life.
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I’m always worried that my condom will break. What can I do?

Fear of an unplanned pregnancy, or spreading or contracting an STI, can become all-consuming and negatively impact people's lives in several ways.
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I’m afraid of using public transportation. Could therapy help?

There are a couple of reasons why this fear may arise, including phobias and OCD. Learn how ERP therapy can help free you from your fears and anxieties.
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I’m afraid I’ll randomly say a racial slur. What’s happening?

If you're plagued by unwanted, distressing fears or urges related to racist behavior that go against your values, this could be a sign of a mental health condition.
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I’m scared of hurting someone when I get mad. Can I trust myself?

If you obsess over whether you could hurt people when you get angry, simply because of fleeting thoughts or urges, you're not alone.
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Can I trust myself around children? A therapist’s advice

We'll explain why intrusive thoughts and obsessions about sexually harming children do not reflect OCD sufferers' true desires or values.
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I’m too scared to drive my car. Could therapy help?

If this scenario sounds all too familiar, you might be grappling with a lesser-known aspect of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
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Can You Have Social Justice or “Wokeness” OCD?

A strong fear of doing something harmful to a member of an underrepresented group—and the resulting consequences—may be a sign of a deeper problem.
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I keep having violent dreams. Should I be concerned? 

When violent dreams become a pattern, it’s normal to feel concerned. In this article, we’ll explore why violent dreams occur and what you can do to cope.
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Constant Fear of Going to Jail? It might be OCD

As an ERP-trained therapist, I have seen this fear come up for many of the people I work with to recover from OCD.
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I’m afraid to leave my home—Is it OCD, Agoraphobia, or a Specific Phobia?

Learn about the differences between OCD, Agoraphobia, and Specific Phobias that can cause a fear of leaving the home and how they can be treated.
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Fear of leaving the faucet running 

OCD involving fears about faucets often involves fears about harm coming to loved ones or oneself, or damage from leaving the faucet running.
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Fear of leaving the stove on

Fear of leaving the stove on resulting in damage or injury is highly common for people suffering from Responsibility OCD or Harm OCD.
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Fear of being a bad person

OCD focused on fear of being a bad person involves recurrent, persistent, unwanted and intrusive thoughts or images about being a bad person.
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Fear of concussions

Fear of concussions in OCD involves recurrent, persistent, unwanted, and intrusive thoughts related to head trauma/concussion.
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Excessive apologizing – Is it OCD?

Excessive apologizing is common in OCD. Often, people with OCD feel the urge to compulsively apologize when it is not needed.
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Fear of losing control

People with fear of losing control in OCD believe they can and must maintain perfect control of their actions to avoid negative consequences.
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Fears about drowning

Drowning fears, characterized by the concern that the individual themselves or others might drown, may be a sign of Harm themes in OCD.
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Fears about being a rapist

OCD focused on the fear of rape involves repeated intrusive, obsessive thoughts involving rape that cause intense anxiety or distress.
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Fear of rain

If you’re experiencing recurring fears about rain such as acid rain, germs in rain, floods, or other dangers, it may be OCD.
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Fears about Harmful Contamination

OCD fears about harmful contamination involve obsessive thoughts of harming others by spreading a contaminant.
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What if I’m really a child predator?

If you’re experiencing recurrent intrusive thoughts involving a worry or fear that you could be a child predator, it may be a sign of OCD.
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I’m afraid of drowning my baby in the bath

If you’re worried or have fears about drowning your baby in the bath, it may be a sign that you have OCD.
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I’m afraid of my pencil

If you’re worried about or afraid of using your pencil or being harmed by it, that may be a sign that you have OCD.
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I can’t stop thinking about molesting a child family member

If you're experiencing thoughts about molesting a child family member, it may be a sign that you have OCD.
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What if I assaulted a child in the past?

If you’re experiencing intrusive thoughts about the idea that you may have harmed kids in the past, it may be a sign that you have Harm OCD
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Fear of becoming a serial killer

Harm OCD can include fear of becoming a serial killer or having a serial killer “personality” that leads to killing people.
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Fears about harming one’s spouse

People with fear of spouse harm related OCD often experience recurrent and unwanted fears of harming their spouse or partner.
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Fears about burns

OCD focused on the fear of being burned is categorized by obsessions surrounding the idea of burning oneself or someone else.
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Fears about burglary or theft

Fear of theft in OCD is unwanted, intrusive thoughts about having items stolen, or worries about becoming a burglar and stealing from others.
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Fears about car accidents

Fear of car accidents (Car Crash OCD) involves the fear of being in a car accident, whether caused by oneself or someone else.
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Fears about plane crashes

Plane Crash OCD involves intrusive, distressing and unwanted thoughts or images related to oneself or a loved one experiencing a plane crash. It is often triggered when someone is traveling by plane, preparing to travel by plane, or when a loved one is traveling or preparing to travel by plane.
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Fears about being racist

In Racism OCD people experience intrusive and unwanted thoughts or fear of being racist or being perceived as racist.
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Fears about mass murder

With OCD fear of mass murder, people can have intrusive fears that they might lose control and commit mass murder.
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Fears about cannibalism

Fear of Cannibalism OCD involves intrusive thoughts, images, urges about eating your own flesh or that of other people, or a desire to do so.
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Fears about impulsive violent acts

Fear of compulsive violence is within the subtype of Harm OCD and includes fears of committing an impulsive violent act.
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Fears about fire

Fear of Fire OCD involves unwanted thoughts including either accidentally or purposely causing harm with fire.
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Fears about harming a sibling

Fear of harming siblings OCD includes intrusive thoughts/images about being aggressive or violent towards a sibling.
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Fears about harming a baby

Baby harm themes in Harm OCD involve repetitive intrusive thoughts involving intentional or accidental harm to one’s own child, another young child, or babies and vulnerable children in general.
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Fears about self harm

Self-Harm OCD fear can cause a person to experience intrusive & unwanted thoughts, images or urges of causing harm to others or themselves.
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Suicidal fears

Fear of suicide OCD themes in Harm OCD involve unwanted, intrusive, fearful thoughts about committing suicide.
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Fear of Hit and Run

Fear of Hit and Run in OCD is characterized by unwanted thoughts or doubts about hitting a person or animal with your car and not remembering.
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What if I’m sexually stimulated by breastfeeding my child

If you’re worried about becoming sexually stimulated by breastfeeding your child, it may be a sign that you are suffering from Postpartum OCD.
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I get a tingling sensation in my groin when I’m around my newborn

If you’re worried about getting a tingling sensation in your groin when around your newborn, it may be one of the Postpartum OCD signs.
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