Obsessive compulsive disorder - OCD treatment and therapy from NOCD

Your journeys are both powerful and empowering

OCD can feel really isolating. We launched an OCD advocacy program at NOCD to highlight the real experiences of members of the OCD community so that no one feels alone. Are you interested in participating? Reach out to us and we'll share more details on how you can get involved.

Share your journey

Please enter your contact information below and anything you'd like us to know when we reach out. We'll send you a time to meet to have our team learn more about you and post your story or help you write one.

Your contact information:

Your journey has an impact

Be a part of our mission and create a world where anyone can find this community and get access to effective OCD therapy, no matter where they live or how much money they make.

Have an experience to share? Let us know and we will work with you to share your journey here.

1 in 40

people experience OCD at some point in their life


of the OCD population also has substance use disorders


The suicide rate of people with untreated OCD is 10 times the rate in the general population


Your journeys deserve to be heard

The stories we share are viewed by thousands every day. Read a few to get an idea what others are saying.